Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's the point?

In my opinion, there is no real point in making a blog. So why have I gone to the trouble of creating a blog now? Two reasons: the first is that I'm bored. Oh so bored. The second and more significant reason is that I really don't want this blog to be about me. Instead, I'm going to make it be about my opinions on music. Ok so maybe that still makes it self-centered. But I just made this to feel like I'm putting my ideas out there in the world, even if no one cares or reads this. Which I don't really find likely anyways.

So anyways, every once in a while I'll just publish a post thingy where I put my opinions (mostly musical, although I might mix in some philisophical musings, who knows?). Each post will just be about a specific musical idea and have my honest opinions on it. I'll cover songs, albums, artists, composers, the whole she-bang. At some point I'll probably get around to the Beatles and talk about them for example.

So, think what you want, read it or don't read it, just live your life and try to find enjoyment in music if and when you can.


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