Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Perfect Moment

I have a personal story connected with this song. Last year, in order to get through my growing workload, I got into the habit of waking up at around 5 in the morning so that I could go down to my favorite coffee shop early and get some work done. This particular morning, I walked out the door and it was freezing. And I mean really freezing. It was the dead of winter and there wouldn't be any light in the sky for a couple of hours.

As I walked down the street to the bus stop, I put my headphones in to listen to some music. It was the first song that came on. Claire de Lune. As I listened to the quiet beginning of the song, a wonderful thing happened. It started to snow. There I was, standing under a streetlamp with the dark sky all around me. The light from the streetlamp caught each snowflake as it fell, and as I looked up to the sky and listened to that beautiful piece of music, it was one of the most perfect moments I had ever experienced.

There are many types of music that I enjoy, but not many things can come close to this piece, because of how perfect that moment was. A single moment in my life that I will remember forever. It is moments like that that make me love music so much. If all music was just for entertainment only it would be a hell of a lot more boring. I think the true musicians and artists are the ones who strive to make perfect and beautiful songs like that one, and whether they succeed or not, it is the attempt to reach that ultimate goal of beauty that makes music so wonderful.

I like this creative take on the piece in the video. First of all the piano playing is brilliant, and secondly the visual simply makes it that much better. Enjoy! (

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